Monday 26 September 2011

JAAG: An Opportunity for Upcoming Talent

It has become hard for the fresh talent to establish a place in the mainstream media world. The hard work done by the dedicated new comers is not appreciated and is not presented in front of the world with their name, they are not given any credit for the work they do instead they have to face very difficult situations to learn and once they learn, they do the same to their juniors which they had to go through in the start of their career. This is a cycle that keeps on moving on the same pattern. The challenges put forward by the mainstream media in front of the new talent are not easily absorbable for the new comers but with the passage of time, spending a great portion of their life in a particular area of the mainstream media, one gets direct credit and appreciation for his work and for that one may have to go through many sacrifices.

As the 21st century has brought great inventions and discoveries into being, the media world has also been gifted by some greatest inventions, one of which is the advent of the online television. The concept of online television is quite common in the western part of the World and the humans living in that part of the globe are much dependent on it as well. People do not have much time to watch TV; they are so much busy in other daily activities that even if they want they cannot take out time for television. For the people living in the Western countries, TV is a box which shows sound with pictures. When during the weekends they have some time to relax their minds, they watch their favorite shows or programs by making the use of online television. Apart from this, the online television provides a place to the people to share their own talent with their community, society or the world as well.

For the first time in Pakistan, JAAG has stepped forward with the concept of online television, as is explained earlier that mainstream media is very difficult for the fresh talent to cope with. Here JAAG is providing a platform to the new comers in the field of media to share their talent, no matter what the quality is, no matter whether you are perfect or just a learner you can share your work with other people through the platform of JAAG. Even if you want to share something which is related to your personality or the society in which you live, JAAG gives you an opportunity to share your talent and your work with the entire world. You are given complete credit of your work, no body else gets any share and your work is known to the world by your name. When you and your work are appreciated by the world around, your confidence increases and your dignity and respect is also restored and enhanced as well. Whatever your expertise is, whether you are a good story maker, an educationist, a musician or an animation expert, you get the chance to show your talent and prove yourself.

You don’t need to face any racial discrimination or social issues. If you are expert at something, you deserve a chance to be known for your talent and establish your name in the world of media. You share your views on any issue that arises in your mind, you may write blogs, articles or an essay related to any topic and JAAG provides you the place to share it with the world. Whatever your talent is, just give it a form of a video, essay or a story and share it with the entire JAAG community whether it is related to social or economic issues, your personal life experiences, your thoughts, your imagination, education, music or any other topic, you share it with your name tagged to your work. Get your work recognized and feel proud of your existence, your personality and above all, feel proud of be a Talented Pakistani.

Written by
Zarqaish Asher


  1. Process is simple... create an account and start sharing your creative work with the World :)
