Tuesday 6 September 2011

you bring us your talent - we give you an audience

JAAG TV is a new media venture that hopes to provide an online platform for free expression in any and every visual form. The channel will allow complete access to users to post blogs, articles, portfolios, videos, documentaries, short films and much more.

Essentially, JAAG hopes to provide a portal for free artistic expression to the Pakistani youth along with a community to exchange ideas and information. Unlike most traditional websites, this channel will allow users the opportunity to sign in and then take control of the flow of information. Users’ will be allowed to participate in a series of discussions and contests that JAAG hopes to launch in the future. However, there is plenty of room to simply give voice to your thoughts.

If you are a painter, a musician, a puppeteer, an activist… whatever your message and whatever your art, this is the place for you to communicate it to a global audience and receive feed back.

A key feature of JAAG also involves the ability to reach out to prospective employers. All users will have access to the utility of posting their profile and contact information on the site as well as actively featuring their talent for possible scouts to enlist.

What the channel hopes to allow its users is a platform to launch themselves in whatever way they choose. All we ask is that you bring us your talent and your spirit. We will give you an audience.

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